High-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of biological tissues using projected magic angle spinning

TitleHigh-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of biological tissues using projected magic angle spinning
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsMartin R.W, Jachmann R.C, Sakellariou D., Nielsen U.G, Pines A
JournalMagnetic Resonance in Medicine
Date PublishedAug
ISBN Number0740-3194
Accession NumberWOS:000230765700001

High-resolution NMR spectra of materials subject to anisotropic broadening are usually obtained by rotating the sample about the magic angle, which is 54.7 degrees to the static magnetic field. In projected magic angle spinning (p-MAS), the sample is spun about two angles, neither of which is the magic angle. This provides a method of obtaining isotropic spectra while spinning at shallow angles. The p-MAS experiment may be used in situations where spinning the sample at the magic angle is not possible due to geometric or other constraints, allowing the choice of spinning angle to be determined by factors such as the shape of the sample, rather than by the spin physics. The application of this technique to bovine tissue samples is demonstrated as a proof of principle for future biological or medical applications.

URL<Go to ISI>://WOS:000230765700001
Short TitleHigh-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of biological tissues using projected magic angle spinning
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