Hyperpolarized xenon NMR and MRI signal amplification by gas extraction

TitleHyperpolarized xenon NMR and MRI signal amplification by gas extraction
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsZhou X., Graziani D., Pines A
JournalProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Date PublishedOct 6
ISBN Number0027-8424
Accession NumberWOS:000270537500005

A method is reported for enhancing the sensitivity of NMR of dissolved xenon by detecting the signal after extraction to the gas phase. We demonstrate hyperpolarized xenon signal amplification by gas extraction (Hyper-SAGE) in both NMR spectra and magnetic resonance images with time-of-flight information. Hyper-SAGE takes advantage of a change in physical phase to increase the density of polarized gas in the detection coil. At equilibrium, the concentration of gas-phase xenon is approximate to 10 times higher than that of the dissolved-phase gas. After extraction the xenon density can be further increased by several orders of magnitude by compression and/or liquefaction. Additionally, being a remote detection technique, the Hyper-SAGE effect is further enhanced in situations where the sample of interest would occupy only a small proportion of the traditional NMR receiver. Coupled with targeted xenon biosensors, Hyper-SAGE offers another path to highly sensitive molecular imaging of specific cell markers by detection of exhaled xenon gas.

URL<Go to ISI>://WOS:000270537500005
Short TitleHyperpolarized xenon NMR and MRI signal amplification by gas extraction
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