NMR imaging of catalytic hydrogenation in microreactors with the use of para-hydrogen

TitleNMR imaging of catalytic hydrogenation in microreactors with the use of para-hydrogen
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsBouchard L.S, Burt S.R, Anwar M.S, Kovtunov K.V, Koptyug I.V, Pines A
Date PublishedJan 25
ISBN Number0036-8075
Accession NumberWOS:000252576600031

Catalysis is vital to industrial chemistry, and the optimization of catalytic reactors attracts considerable resources. It has proven challenging to correlate the active regions in heterogeneous catalyst beds with morphology and to monitor multistep reactions within the bed. We demonstrate techniques, using magnetic resonance imaging and para- hydrogen ( p-H(2)) polarization, that allow direct visualization of gas- phase flow and the density of active catalyst in a packed- bed microreactor, as well as control over the dynamics of the polarized state in space and time to facilitate the study of subsequent reactions. These procedures are suitable for characterizing reactors and reactions in microfluidic devices where low sensitivity of conventional magnetic resonance would otherwise be the limiting factor.

URL<Go to ISI>://WOS:000252576600031
Short TitleNMR imaging of catalytic hydrogenation in microreactors with the use of para-hydrogen
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