NMR velocity mapping of gas flow around solid objects

TitleNMR velocity mapping of gas flow around solid objects
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsHan S.I, Pierce K.L, Pines A
JournalPhysical Review E
Date PublishedJul
ISBN Number1539-3755
Accession NumberWOS:000239425700044

We present experimental visualizations of gas flow around solid blunt bodies by NMR imaging. NMR velocimetry is a model-free and tracer-free experimental means for quantitative and multi-dimensional flow visualization. Hyperpolarization of Xe-129 provided sufficient NMR signal to overcome the low density of the dilute gas phase, and its long coherence time allows for true velocity vector mapping. In this study, the diverging gas flow around and wake patterns immediately behind a sphere could be vectorally visualized and quantified. In a similar experiment, the flow over an aerodynamic model airplane body revealed a less disrupted flow pattern.

URL<Go to ISI>://WOS:000239425700044
Short TitleNMR velocity mapping of gas flow around solid objects
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