Scalar and anisotropic J interactions in undoped InP: A triple-resonance NMR study

TitleScalar and anisotropic J interactions in undoped InP: A triple-resonance NMR study
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1998
AuthorsTomaselli M., deGraw D., Yarger J.L, Augustine M.P, Pines A
JournalPhysical Review B
Date PublishedOct 1
ISBN Number0163-1829
Accession NumberWOS:000076232100075

The heteronuclear J-coupling tensor between nearest neighbor P-31 and In-113 spins in undoped InP is investigated by means of In-113-->P-31 polarization transfer under rapid magic angle spinning (MAS). The scalar contribution can be measured directly and is found to have the value \J(iso)(P-31-In-113,In-115)\ = (225+/-10) Hz. The principal value of the traceless anisotropic J-coupling tensor (pseudodipolar coupling) is determined to be J(aniso)(P-31-In-113,In-115)= 2/3[J(parallel to)(P-31-In-113,In-115)-J(perpendicular to)(P-31-In-113,In-115)] = (813+/-50) or (1733+/-50) Hz, assuming axial symmetry with the principal axis parallel to the In-P bond. Our values deviate from those reported previously [M. Engelsberg and R. E. Norberg, Phys. Rev. B 5, 3395 (1972)] [based on a moment analysis of the P-31 resonance \J(iso)(31P-In-113,In-115)\ = 350 Hz and J(aniso)(P-31-In-113,In-115) = 1273 Hz], but confirm the postulate that the nearest neighbor P-31-In-113,In-115 magnetic dipolar and pseudodipolar interactions are of the same order of magnitude and partially cancel each other.

URL<Go to ISI>://WOS:000076232100075
Short TitleScalar and anisotropic J interactions in undoped InP: A triple-resonance NMR study
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