Self-diffusion measurements with chemical shift resolution in inhomogeneous magnetic fields

TitleSelf-diffusion measurements with chemical shift resolution in inhomogeneous magnetic fields
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsTopgaard D., Pines A
JournalJournal of Magnetic Resonance
Date PublishedMay
ISBN Number1090-7807
Accession NumberWOS:000221006600004

A methodology for chemical shift resolved molecular self-diffusion measurements in time-independent static and radiofrequency field gradients is demonstrated. Diffusion encoding is provided by a stimulated echo Sequence with additional z-storage that allows for a change of diffusion time Without affecting the relaxation weighting. The signal is acquired stroboscopically between the pulses of a train of adiabatic double passages that induces a z-rotation Counteracting the phase spread resulting from precession in the inhomogeneous static field. as demonstrated in recent approaches to the goal of high-resolution "ex situ" NMR. Simulations of the pulse sequence show that the acquired signal results from the desired coherence pathway. Successful demonstrations of the experiment were performed on a Mixture of water and isopropanol. Published by Elsevier Inc.

URL<Go to ISI>://WOS:000221006600004
Short TitleSelf-diffusion measurements with chemical shift resolution in inhomogeneous magnetic fields
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