Three-dimensional phase-encoded chemical shift MRI in the presence of inhomogeneous fields

TitleThree-dimensional phase-encoded chemical shift MRI in the presence of inhomogeneous fields
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsDemas V., Sakellariou D., Meriles C.A, Han S., Reimer J., Pines A
JournalProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Date PublishedJun 15
ISBN Number0027-8424
Accession NumberWOS:000222104900004

A pulse sequence consisting of an excitation pulse and two adiabatic full-passage pulses with scaled relative peak amplitudes is combined with phase encoding to recover chemical shift information within 3D images in a 1D inhomogeneous static magnetic field with a matched rf field gradient. The results are discussed in the context of ex situ magnetic resonance and imaging. The future directions of our research in implementing the ex situ technique in a real one-sided system are also discussed.

URL<Go to ISI>://WOS:000222104900004
Short TitleThree-dimensional phase-encoded chemical shift MRI in the presence of inhomogeneous fields
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