Time-of-flight flow imaging of two-component flow inside a microfluidic chip

TitleTime-of-flight flow imaging of two-component flow inside a microfluidic chip
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsHarel E., Hilty C., Koen K., McDonnell E.E, Pines A
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Date PublishedJan 5
ISBN Number0031-9007
Accession NumberWOS:000243379700050

Here we report on using NMR imaging and spectroscopy in conjunction with time-of-flight tracking to noninvasively tag and monitor nuclear spins as they flow through the channels of a microfluidic chip. Any species with resolvable chemical-shift signatures can be separately monitored in a single experiment, irrespective of the optical properties of the fluids, thereby eliminating the need for foreign tracers. This is demonstrated on a chip with a mixing geometry in which two fluids converge from separate channels, and is generally applicable to any microfluidic device through which fluid flows within the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation time.

URL<Go to ISI>://WOS:000243379700050
Short TitleTime-of-flight flow imaging of two-component flow inside a microfluidic chip
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