Summer 2014

Upcoming Pines lab seminars will be also be listed in the "Upcoming Events" page. If you'd like to keep up with upcoming lab seminars please sign up to receive notifications from our google calendar.

Date Time Location Event Details
5/30 12:30pm 221 Stanley Hall Dr. John Mamin (IBM) - "Nanoscale Nuclear Magnetic Resonance using Nitrogen Vacancy Spin Sensors"
6/13 12:30pm 221 Stanley Hall Dibyendu Roy (Los Alamos National Laboratory) -"Spin Noise Spectroscopy of Atomic Vapors and Semiconductors"
8/01 12:30pm 221 Stanley Hall Dr. Jefferey Paulsen - "Inferring Pore Structure with NMR Diffusion Measurements: Diffusion-Diffusion Correlation and the Fourier Extraction of Kurtosis"